13th of January 2023
As per the New Year’s message earlier, from this year onwards we are going to showcase way more of the behind the scenes at 9to5. Because of this we are introducing a quarterly returning column: Retrospect. After every quarter we will discuss what the team has been up to; fun updates, new features and significant milestones.
To kick-off the columns we are discussing the last quarter of 2022. In this quarter the team has come together to the current form and because of this it was pedal to the metal till the end of the year.
Firstly, the beautiful new design of our customer 24Baby has been launched in the app. In this rebranding of the design all the new colours and fonts are integrated to be the same as their brand identity. Next to this we won the App of the Year 2022 - Health & Lifestyle together with them.
Secondly, we have been very busy with the development of ES-Alert. Bluntly stated the Spanish version of NL-Alarm, our app to support the NL-Alerts. With this you can set a location in The Netherlands to receive NL-Alerts from this region. After release of ES-Alert, it will be easy to receive important alerts from every self-chosen location in Spain. For this project we are working together with One2many en Dirección General de Protección Civil y Emergencias.
Next to this the team has been occupied with a lot more minor updates and improvements to our apps. We are constantly doing this to ensure the high quality of our products and services. Make sure the apps you have are as up-to-date as possible to benefit of the best quality and newest features!